Monday, March 14, 2011

How An Internet Business To Make Money Saved Me!

I Hope My Account Encourages You To Set Up An Internet Business Today!

Today it seems like eternity since I have had to fret over how I will pay my bills, handle rent and even if I will have a pay check end of the week.

Life has never been better because these days I can do whatever I please. My mornings used to be a nightmare where I had to get up when it was still dark and prepare for a job that was killing me. Well no longer!

Yes life couldn't be any better especially when my office is a couple of rooms down the hall. it's my study!

Every happy ending has a beginning and this one is no different so let me go back to that time when my tale began. So let's go back to the beginning (well actually somewhere in the middle) so you can see how I ended up where I am today.

Anyway a few days back my neighbor Bill and I were chatting and soon enough our conversation turned to the terrible state of the economy. Both of us had friends and family who had suffered setbacks since the 2008 collapse of the economy Things at his place were manageable but he couldn't say that they were great. Christine his wife had lost her job and he couldn't say for certain that his own job was secure. Just last week his close buddy had been let go. Besides they had two kids in college and a single paycheck just couldn't cover it! People were losing their jobs left, right and center from every sector of the economy!

For a moment we were both silent then Tom wondered aloud that I did not seem particularly worried. I told him that I wasn't. Truth be told I confessed, business had never been better! He was dumbstruck. The look on his face was priceless! Well cutting a long story short I started narrating how some time back things were so bad for me that I was forced to make money online or sink.

Trapped Between a Rock and a Hard Spot!

In the not too distant past I used to work three jobs to make sure my family had a roof over their heads. So it's little wonder that I was constantly sleep deprived. But do you know what the funny thing was? I still couldn't get to sleep when I lay down. Crazy huh! Those sleeping pills and deficient hours of sleep were a constant downer so i had to counter their effects by almost drowning myself with cup after cup of strong coffee.

I was pretty sure I wasn't doing my health any favors but that was the price I had to pay living in the paycheck-to-paycheck universe.

Oh! With everything being so tough you'd think that I'd get some kinda of break. But no such luck! Things at home were bad and it looked like my marriage was unraveling right before my eyes. It seemed like the only thing that my wife and I did back then was constantly bicker about money!

Cruising The Fast lane To Six Feet Under!

It is not often that a serious disease ends up saving a persons life but that is precisely what happened in my case. If I hadn't been diagnosed with severe hypertension undoubtedly I would have worked my way into an early grave!

I was shocked! You must be mistaken I said to the doctor.

Look I could have gone on and on to the doc with a gazillion reasons why I couldn't possibly be suffering from hypertension... I never smoked...drank only a little and never had a history of hypertension in my family. Besides I had barely turned thrity! I drank rarely and there was no history of the disease in my family. It was impossible! How could I have hypertension? I was barely 30 years old!

Looking back on it now I wonder how I could have even doubted the doctor's diagnosis even for a second. The Plain fact of the matter was that I was leading a very corrosive lifestyle that eventually whittled my health away to the point of snapping.

But even as I mentally conceded that I drastically needed to swap out my life I couldn't help worrying about the future. How was I going to make money if I couldn't continue thet way i had been before? Yup! This was certainly a vicious cycle if ever there was one.

And that's when I realized I couldn't continue living the way I was. In fact it was at that point it dawned on me that what I had been doing was--Existing Not Living!

Which brings me to a question I have been dying to ask you because the fact that you are reading this lends me to believe your situation is not unlike mine once was. Anyway this is the question:

Do You Know What You Would Do If You Had Financial Freedom?

Silly of me to ask--of course you do!

I bet you would do what anybody else in the world would do! You would:

Live The Life That You Always Wanted!

Do you know the difference between people who really enjoy life and those who are simply passing through?

The people who truly enjoy life are the ones who are doing exactly what they want to be doing. Such people are easy to spot--they always look happy!

As for the others, the one's who simply pass through life as if it was a series of duties like paying bills and taxes--life to them is just an existence that has little room or time for happiness! They are simply too busy trying to make ends meet they have no time to really appreciate life.

And after you've existed that way for some time any other kind of lifestyle becomes unimaginable! I should know; after all that was me not too long ago!

No Way Out But To Make Money Online!

I realized I had to make drastic changes to my life fast otherwise sooner than later I wouldn't even have one. My health was on the blink and my marriage wasn't doing any better either! I needed money and I needed it yesterday!

But what was I going to do? I couldn't go back to school because I evidently couldn't afford it otherwise I wouldn't be in the crummy situation that I found myself in.

I couldn't take another job because there simply wasn't enough time in a single day and besides my body couldn't handle it either. No! There had to be another way; some way that had minimal startup costs yet enabled me to make more money in a relatively short period of time.

So I turned to the internet did some research and learned how to make money online. The rest, as the saying goes, is history!

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