Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Secret To Choosing Your Best Fit Puppy

There’s a saying that there is an ideal dog for everybody…the trick though is in finding that right dog. Truth be told though you don’t need a magic trick in selecting your ideal dog because there’s actually a tried-and-proven straight forward method to do. And for me that’s the best part about getting a dog because unlike family…you actually get to choose!

So You Want To Get A Puppy

Before I continue I am going to make a number of assumptions here, the main one being that you already know the type of dog breed that you wish to get. This article is about choosing the right puppy so I really won’t delve into depth about the various dog breeds.

However suffice it to say that out of all the hundreds of dog breeds, there most certainly is one that is just right for you. Finding that right puppy though requires an honest assessment and evaluation on your part such as…

…you already have in mind the role your dog will play; a role which will most likely fall under any of the following:

    * Playmate for the kids
    * Companion
    * Protector
    * Show performer
    * Herder
    * Hunter

Furthermore I am going to conclude that since you have already mentally designated a role to your dog then you have already settled on a breed.

This part shouldn’t be hard at all because the various dog breeds were bred and developed to carry out these functions. Some of the dog breeds are more capable than others at performing the various tasks (indeed some dog breeds are able to perform all of them [the so-called muti-taskers of the canine world; e.g., the German Shepherd] ).

Now all you have to do is decide which dog breed covers your needs.

Oh…one other thing, your homework also requires an honest unbiased assessment on how you and your furry friend are going to co-exist. In other words you need to ensure that:

    * Your lifestyle and personality complement your dog’s genetic heritage
    * You can devote enough time to your dog
    * Your living arrangement is suitable for both you and your dog
    * The climatic conditions will not make your dog’s life a misery

Okay now that we have ascertained that you have carefully decided on the type of dog breed you wish to get and also that you have covered other important parameters such as living arrangements, climate etc., let’s tackle the topic at hand.


How To Choose Your Best Fit Puppy

Just like siblings in a given family tend to have widely different characters so do puppies from the same litter.  So in the same litter of puppies it is not uncommon to find a boisterous, rowdy outgoing puppy as well as a timid, shy puppy that is literally scared of its own shadow!

So why is it important to be able to tell which puppy is which? Well consider the following:

    * By 7 weeks of age a puppy has attained its adult dog character!
    * Most abandoned dogs become so because their owners are at their wits end and can’t cope with them any longer; a situation they could have avoided had they chosen the right puppy!
    * Puppies from the same litter have different dispositions; some are sweet and some will become overly dominant menaces!
    * Some puppies are easy to train while others are downright difficult!
    * Some puppies love human companionship while others are outright anti-social!
    * Some puppies will mature into dogs that are way too difficult to handle by the 1st time dog owner!

Those are some very good reasons to be determine the character and nature of your dog while it is still a puppy.

At 7 Weeks Of Age You Can Tell How Your Puppy Will Behave As An Adult Dog!

Did you know that as far as puppies go what you see is what you get by the time the puppy is seven weeks old. In other words if you know what you are doing you can tell precisely how your puppy will behave as a mature dog!

It is important to remember that though your puppy is now an adorable, cute bundle of joy, in the not so distant future he/she will become a lot bigger and a lot less manageable; unless of course he/she is amenable and compliant to your instructions.

Having a great relationship with your dog means having a well trained dog but unfortunately this is not possible with some dogs for the simple fact that they are either too anti-social or are either downright stubborn.

There’s no doubt that the different dog breeds are characterized by specialized behavioral traits, but the truth of the matter is that within each and every litter of puppies from a given dog breed, those puppies are going to exhibit very different personalities.

If You Wish To Have A Great Relationship With Your Dog…

Then you’ll most likely want to choose a puppy that:

    * Matures into a dog that is easily trainable
    * Is sociable and loves being around people
    * Will follow your lead and obey your instructions
    * Won’t become a overly dominant alpha male that is a menace to everybody
    * Becomes a dog with a sweet disposition that is a delight to everyone

Remember earlier on I said that by seven weeks of age your puppy has already developed its adult personality? Well not only has the puppy developed its adult personality by then but it is also exhibiting it!

All you need to be able to do is interpret the signs that puppy is exhibiting at 7 weeks and in effect you can choose the precise dog personality that you desire!

There’s actually a simple and straight-forward procedure to establish the future personality of a dog by testing it when it is a puppy; anybody can perform this simple test.

Here's more info about puppies

Monday, April 11, 2011

Yes It Is Possible To Get Web Traffic That Is Free

How You Too Can Get Web Traffic For Free

Let’s kick off by asking the obvious question of why do you need web traffic to run a successful internet business? Well that’s a no-brainer really. You see online traffic amounts to the same thing as people entering your store if it happened to be offline.

This evidently means that if your store is not getting any visitors then there is no way you are going to make money at all! If you think of your web site as an online store and web traffic as people coming to your online store then you know that you really cannot get by without it. That’s why web traffic is described as the lifeblood of any internet business.

Okay let’s look at some of the ways to attract online traffic to your website but before we do that let me talk a little about the kind of web traffic you need to get. Why? Because not all internet traffic is equal and frankly there is really no point in salving away to get web traffic that just exits your website as soon as it gets there.

So the very first step in launching your web traffic campaign is conducting proper keyword research to ensure that you are actually attracting the kind of people to your blog who are willing to spend cold hard cash. To get those kind of people you need to target keywords with high conversion rates. This simply means you need to optimize your website for very specific keywords.

Thus for example let us look at the make money online market. If you do your keyword research properly you will soon realize that the keyword money has several thousand searches a day, however that said this is not the type of keyword you wish to target. Why? Because it is way too ambiguous! When a person types in the keyword money in a search engine they could be looking for anything remotely connected to the term money and not necessarily looking to learn how to make money online.

Besides another drawback to optimizing for a non-specific keyword term like money despite the fact that it gets a ton of daily online searches is that it has an extremely high difficulty level and will literally take forever before you ever even get the first trickle of web traffic from it!

So you need to target a more specific kind of web traffic one that is interested in making money online assuming your online business is all about getting internet money and teaching people how to go about it. With that in mind the kind of keyword you would wish to optimize for to get better conversion rates from your web traffic would be more target-specific keywords like make money or make money online etc. There’s a lot more involved with conducting accurate keyword but this article is not really about keyword research but web traffic so let’s move on.

Ways To Get Web Traffic

Okay as previously mentioned there are multiple ways to get web traffic and here’s a list of some of them:

1. Organic Web Traffic (traffic from the search engines)
2. Internet traffic from article writing
3. Online traffic from social media websites
4. Web traffic from forums
5. Getting web traffic by posting comments on blogs that get a lot of web traffic and allow the inclusion of links
6. Online traffic utilizing video
7. Web traffic through the use of images
8. Paying for internet traffic

These are just a few but probably the most common ways to get web traffic and each type has its own merits. I am not a big fan of getting web traffic though paid advertisements because it can get really expensive really fast with mixed results. But of course if you have the budget for this type of online traffic then go for it because you will attract online traffic to your website almost immediately!

 The Action of Search Is the First Step In the Act of Persuasion

What many people do not realize is that when a person types in a search term online, then assuming that they are looking for a solution to a problem, they have just covered the first parameter in successful persuasion. This is because that persons defenses are somewhat lessened because they are open to suggestion and advise in order to find a quick resolution to their predicament.

Basically what this means to your as an owner of an online business is that this type of web traffic is more likely to accept your advice and thus ultimately are more likely to pay money to get the resolution they so desperately seek.

As I mentioned not all web traffic is equal and in fact the manner in which you attract that online traffic determines the way in which you court it to achieve your ultimate goal. For example if you are getting web traffic through social media websites you are going to have more interaction with your visitors before they pay the scantiest attention to you. This means that you cannot just saunter over to a social media website slap up a few banner ads (or whatever type of ad) and hope that you will be able to siphon some of the immense web traffic to be found on social media websites like FaceBook.

The bottom line is that every method to get web traffic has its challenges and you need to discover which one best suits your purposes. Let’s look at organic web traffic which is nothing more than online traffic that originates from people searching on the search engine indexes. Yes, this kind of traffic is free and another excellent selling point about this kind of web traffic is that once you start getting it then unless you are bounced off the indexes for any reason you will continue reaping its rewards with no further input form you!

The downside of organic web traffic is that it is extremely difficult to get especially if you are a contender in a highly competitive market. That said though you should always strive for this kind of online traffic (that’s the point of SE optimization after all) because as just mentioned it is passive traffic that is not only free it doesn’t require any further input on your part unlike social media web traffic that requires constant interaction with your followers!

There are some topics that lend themselves well to web traffic generated via images and the selling point here is that if you SE optimize your images well they will ascend up the search engine indexes far faster than a webpage listing. Now one thing you need to understand is that there’s an art to getting relevant traffic from images. Don’t expect to get web traffic that converts into cash from an image optimized with a highly searched for keyword (with a low difficulty level) that has absolutely nothing to do with the subject matter of you blog or website.

Yes you will get web traffic from that image but it will bounce off your site just as soon as it gets there. So not only will you get nothing from that source of traffic you will get little if any search engine benefit because the engines will note that such online traffic is exiting your site as soon as it gets there and hence is valueless!

On a final note, if you wish to make money online you need to get web traffic and if you wish to make a lot of money online you need to get a lot of traffic! This is what distinguishes a successful internet business from the many that fail.

To learn how to get traffic follow this link: get web traffic

Monday, March 14, 2011

How An Internet Business To Make Money Saved Me!

I Hope My Account Encourages You To Set Up An Internet Business Today!

Today it seems like eternity since I have had to fret over how I will pay my bills, handle rent and even if I will have a pay check end of the week.

Life has never been better because these days I can do whatever I please. My mornings used to be a nightmare where I had to get up when it was still dark and prepare for a job that was killing me. Well no longer!

Yes life couldn't be any better especially when my office is a couple of rooms down the hall. it's my study!

Every happy ending has a beginning and this one is no different so let me go back to that time when my tale began. So let's go back to the beginning (well actually somewhere in the middle) so you can see how I ended up where I am today.

Anyway a few days back my neighbor Bill and I were chatting and soon enough our conversation turned to the terrible state of the economy. Both of us had friends and family who had suffered setbacks since the 2008 collapse of the economy Things at his place were manageable but he couldn't say that they were great. Christine his wife had lost her job and he couldn't say for certain that his own job was secure. Just last week his close buddy had been let go. Besides they had two kids in college and a single paycheck just couldn't cover it! People were losing their jobs left, right and center from every sector of the economy!

For a moment we were both silent then Tom wondered aloud that I did not seem particularly worried. I told him that I wasn't. Truth be told I confessed, business had never been better! He was dumbstruck. The look on his face was priceless! Well cutting a long story short I started narrating how some time back things were so bad for me that I was forced to make money online or sink.

Trapped Between a Rock and a Hard Spot!

In the not too distant past I used to work three jobs to make sure my family had a roof over their heads. So it's little wonder that I was constantly sleep deprived. But do you know what the funny thing was? I still couldn't get to sleep when I lay down. Crazy huh! Those sleeping pills and deficient hours of sleep were a constant downer so i had to counter their effects by almost drowning myself with cup after cup of strong coffee.

I was pretty sure I wasn't doing my health any favors but that was the price I had to pay living in the paycheck-to-paycheck universe.

Oh! With everything being so tough you'd think that I'd get some kinda of break. But no such luck! Things at home were bad and it looked like my marriage was unraveling right before my eyes. It seemed like the only thing that my wife and I did back then was constantly bicker about money!

Cruising The Fast lane To Six Feet Under!

It is not often that a serious disease ends up saving a persons life but that is precisely what happened in my case. If I hadn't been diagnosed with severe hypertension undoubtedly I would have worked my way into an early grave!

I was shocked! You must be mistaken I said to the doctor.

Look I could have gone on and on to the doc with a gazillion reasons why I couldn't possibly be suffering from hypertension... I never smoked...drank only a little and never had a history of hypertension in my family. Besides I had barely turned thrity! I drank rarely and there was no history of the disease in my family. It was impossible! How could I have hypertension? I was barely 30 years old!

Looking back on it now I wonder how I could have even doubted the doctor's diagnosis even for a second. The Plain fact of the matter was that I was leading a very corrosive lifestyle that eventually whittled my health away to the point of snapping.

But even as I mentally conceded that I drastically needed to swap out my life I couldn't help worrying about the future. How was I going to make money if I couldn't continue thet way i had been before? Yup! This was certainly a vicious cycle if ever there was one.

And that's when I realized I couldn't continue living the way I was. In fact it was at that point it dawned on me that what I had been doing was--Existing Not Living!

Which brings me to a question I have been dying to ask you because the fact that you are reading this lends me to believe your situation is not unlike mine once was. Anyway this is the question:

Do You Know What You Would Do If You Had Financial Freedom?

Silly of me to ask--of course you do!

I bet you would do what anybody else in the world would do! You would:

Live The Life That You Always Wanted!

Do you know the difference between people who really enjoy life and those who are simply passing through?

The people who truly enjoy life are the ones who are doing exactly what they want to be doing. Such people are easy to spot--they always look happy!

As for the others, the one's who simply pass through life as if it was a series of duties like paying bills and taxes--life to them is just an existence that has little room or time for happiness! They are simply too busy trying to make ends meet they have no time to really appreciate life.

And after you've existed that way for some time any other kind of lifestyle becomes unimaginable! I should know; after all that was me not too long ago!

No Way Out But To Make Money Online!

I realized I had to make drastic changes to my life fast otherwise sooner than later I wouldn't even have one. My health was on the blink and my marriage wasn't doing any better either! I needed money and I needed it yesterday!

But what was I going to do? I couldn't go back to school because I evidently couldn't afford it otherwise I wouldn't be in the crummy situation that I found myself in.

I couldn't take another job because there simply wasn't enough time in a single day and besides my body couldn't handle it either. No! There had to be another way; some way that had minimal startup costs yet enabled me to make more money in a relatively short period of time.

So I turned to the internet did some research and learned how to make money online. The rest, as the saying goes, is history!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dire Money Woes Destined Me To Make Internet Money

Ironic How Dire Money Woes Eventually Got Me To Make Money Online

A lot of time has elapsed now and I no longer have to worry about rent, bills, and agonizing about where I am going to get my next pay check.

It really is like a dream these days because I do whatever I fancy. Every morning used to be a nightmare where I had to get up when it was still dark and prepare for a job that was killing me. Well no longer!

Yes life couldn't be any better especially when my office is a couple of rooms down the hall. it's my study!

My bad! I am sorry if this all seems a little bit confusing because have started this story somewhere in the middle and not at its start. So let's go back to the beginning (well actually somewhere in the middle) so you can see how I ended up where I am today.

This is how it all started; well kinda. A couple of weeks ago my buddy James and I were chatting at some cocktail shindig and soon enough we were knee deep discussing the terrible state of the economy. Both of us had friends and family who had suffered setbacks since the 2008 collapse of the economy.

Sam told me about his brother-in-law who had lost his job and now his house was in foreclosure. Things for him he said were not that bad be nobody was certain about tomorrow anymore especially when people were losing jobs left, right and center. It was now clear as day that for the vast majority of folks tomorrow could be your day to get the dreaded pink slip.

We fell into a moment of silence lost in our own thoughts when Sam hesitantly asked me how was it that my family and I appeared not to have been affected by the deep-six of the economy. I confided to him the reason was because the tanking of the economy hadn't affected me at all. Truth be told I confessed, business had never been better! You should have seen the look on his face. Without further ado I revealed to him that 3 years ago I was in such a bad place that I was literally in a spot where it was make money online or disappear from the face of the earth.

Living Hand-To-Mouth & Paycheck To Paycheck!

Three years back I worked two back-breaking and mind-numbing jobs to make sure my family weren't on the streets. Working those hours I was bone tired all the time so you would think that as soon as I lay down and shut my eyes I would be out like alight. but nothing could be further from the truth. Crazy huh! As if things weren't already bad enough, I then had to counter those sleeping pills and lack of sleep with mug after mug of coffee that would make even a cowboy cringe.

Even then I worried that such a lifestyle was leading me to an early grave. But you know what? I had bigger worries, namely that there was food on the table and a roof over my family.

Oh! Despite everything I did though live wasn't getting any better at home. The wife and I we constantly squabbled about money. It seemed like the only thing that my wife and I did back then was constantly

bicker about money!

Cruising The Uber Fast lane To Six Feet Under!

I led that unhealthy lifestyle far longer than I care to recall and the scariest thing is that I could still be in that hole if I hadn't gotten diagnosed with severe hypertension!

I was in utter disbelief when the doc told me that I was suffering from sever hypertension. I told the doctor there had to be some mistake!

I was in excellent shape... Did I smoke? No! Did I drink? Moderately, like a couple of beers on the weekend? Was I overweight? Ha! Hardly fact because of my work I was really toned. And the fact was that nobody that I knew of had ever suffered from hypertension in my family history. I drank rarely and there was no history of the disease in my family. It was impossible! How could I have hypertension?

I was barely 30 years old!

The way I was living, or rather I should say that the way I was existing was determined to be the cause of my hypertension.

But even as I mentally conceded that I drastically needed to swap out my life I couldn't help worrying about the future. How was I going to make money if I couldn't continue the way I had been before? Yup! This was certainly a vicious cycle if ever there was one.

And that's when I realized I couldn't continue living the way I was. In fact it was at that point it dawned on me that what I had been doing was--Existing Not Living!

Which brings me to a question I have been dying to ask you because the fact that you are reading this lends me to believe your situation is not unlike mine once was. Anyway this is the question:

What You Would Do If You Never Had To Worry About Finances Ever Again?

I know what I would do...

I bet you would do what anybody else in the world would do too! You would:

Live The Life That You Always Wanted!

Do you know the difference between people who really enjoy life and those who are simply passing through?

The people who truly enjoy life are the ones who are doing exactly what they want to be doing. Such people are easy to spot--they always look happy!

As for the others, the one's who simply pass through life as if it was a series of duties like paying bills and taxes--life to them is just an existence that has little room or time for happiness! They are simply too busy trying to make ends meet they have no time to really appreciate life.

And after you've existed that way for some time any other kind of lifestyle becomes unimaginable! I should know; after all that was me not too long ago!

No Way Out But To Make Money Online!

I realized I had to make drastic changes to my life fast otherwise sooner than later I wouldn't even have one. My health was on the blink and my marriage wasn't doing any better either! I needed money and I needed it yesterday!

But what was I going to do? I couldn't go back to school because I evidently couldn't afford it otherwise I wouldn't be in the crummy situation that I found myself in.

I couldn't take another job because there simply wasn't enough time in a single day and besides my body couldn't handle it either. No! There had to be another way; some way that had minimal startup costs yet enabled me to make more money in a relatively short period of time.

So I turned to the internet did some research and learned the secrets and ropes to make money with my internet business. And that is how I embarked on my internet money adventures!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

With My Back Against The Wall I was Left No Choice But To Make Internet Money Fast!

My life currently is good but like any novel or movie worth its salt that was not always the case. As we all know the hero has to suffer before they triumph to make a truly resounding happy ending...and that was me. You see when the economy deep-sixed in 2008 due to those stinking thieving bastards, like many people not in the employ of that devilish street, I lost my job and then three weeks later so did my wife.

You can imagine with three kids in school it wasn't easy. Living off unemployment benefits was not an easy adjustment but we never truly appreciated it until it too was gone. That's when everything became really desperate. Somehow we had to make money and make it fast. That is when I turned to web to research about how to make internet money.

With No Way Out I Turned To The Web To Make Money Online!

A lot of time has elapsed now and I no longer have to worry about rent, bills, and agonizing about where I am going to get my next pay check.

Truth be told nowadays I do whatever I want. Most people I guess cannot stand their mornings but I gotta be honest with you nowadays I simply love mine. But that was not always the case because back then I had to get up at an ungodly hour.

Here's another great thing about my life today; my office is next door to my bedroom. it's my study!

My apologies! As usual I have started this narrative at the end of the story not at the beginning so permit me to correct that error by going back to the beginning. So let's go back to the beginning (well actually somewhere in the middle) so you can see how I ended up where I am today.

About 10 days ago my buddy Sam and I were fishing when we began lamenting about today's economy and how things just seemd to get worse and worse. Both of us knew people who had been devestated by the downturn of the economy and not matter what the national polls and popular news accounts said about a rebound we both agreed that this may have been so for those fat cats on Wall Street who caused this mess in the first place, but certainly not for the average hardworking individual.

Sam told me about his brother-in-law who had lost his job and now his house was in foreclosure. Things for him he said were not that bad be nobody was certain about tomorrow anymore especially when people were losing jobs left, right and center. The harsh reality was that job security for most people was a thing that no longer existed.

For a moment we were both silent then Tom wondered aloud that I did not seem particularly worried. I told him that I wasn't. Truth be told I confessed, business had never been better! The expression on his face was one of utter disbelief so I knew I had to elaborate; That's when I told him that some years ago I was so desperate I was left with no option but to make internet money and fast!

A Heartbeat From Being Thrown Out On The Streets!

Three years back I worked two back-breaking and mind-numbing jobs to make sure my family weren't on the streets. Working those hours I was bone tired all the time so you would think that as soon as I lay down and shut my eyes I would be out like alight. but nothing could be further from the truth. Crazy huh! Making matters worse, I then had to literally drown myself in coffee to attain a minimal state of wakefulness, enough so as to be able to do my job.

I suspected I was destroying my health but with seemingly no options in life to choose a different lifestyle I unknowingly dutifully chipped away at my health and my existence.

Oh! Yet in spite of my best efforts and intentions life seemed to go from bad to worse. My wife and I could no longer see eye to eye because our whole lives then revolved around making money; or its lack thereof. It seemed like the only thing that my wife and I did back then was constantly bicker about money!

Highway To The Grave!

I lived in that fashion for far longer than I care to remember and possibly might still be doing so today had it not been for the fact that one day I was diagnosed as having hypertension.

When the doctor broke the news to me I was stunned! This was impossible! Retest I demanded, there had to be another explanation.

I didn't have headaches, I never felt dizzy or light headed in fact other than feeling tired I felt 100%... I didn't smoke... I drank rarely and there was no history of the disease in my family. It was impossible! How could I have hypertension? I was barely 30 years old!

The way I was living, or rather I should say that the way I was existing was determined to be the cause of my hypertension.

I simply couldn't continue the way I had been living...that is if I wished to continue living. I had to ger rid of the stress and the only way I could do that was to make more money without digging my own grave at the same time.

And that's when I realized I couldn't continue living the way I was. In fact it was at that point it dawned on me that what I had been doing was--Existing Not Living!

Which brings me to a question I have been dying to ask you because the fact that you are reading this lends me to believe your situation is not unlike mine once was. Anyway this is the question:

Do You Know What You Would Do If You Had Financial Freedom?

Silly of me to ask--of course you do!

I bet you would do what anybody else in the world would do! You would:

Live The Life That You Always Wanted!

Do you know the difference between people who really enjoy life and those who are simply passing through?

The people who truly enjoy life are the ones who are doing exactly what they want to be doing. Such people are easy to spot--they always look happy!

As for the others, the one's who simply pass through life as if it was a series of duties like paying bills and taxes--life to them is just an existence that has little room or time for happiness! They are simply too busy trying to make ends meet they have no time to really appreciate life.

And after you've existed that way for some time any other kind of lifestyle becomes unimaginable! I should know; after all that was me not too long ago!

Whichever Way I Turned It All Boiled Down To One Thing, Make Money Online Or Sink!

I realized I had to make drastic changes to my life fast otherwise sooner than later I wouldn't even have one. My health was on the blink and my marriage wasn't doing any better either! I needed money and I needed it yesterday!

But what was I going to do? I couldn't go back to school because I evidently couldn't afford it otherwise I wouldn't be in the crummy situation that I found myself in.

I couldn't take another job because there simply wasn't enough time in a single day and besides my body couldn't handle it either. No! There had to be another way; some way that had minimal startup costs yet enabled me to make more money in a relatively short period of time.

So I turned to the internet did some research and learned how to make money online. The rest, as the saying goes, is history!